Upload My GPS
Young Bulls on the loose, preparing for adventure and survival. Many proverbial bulls are loose to roam. On their rambles the young bulls learn to be tough and aggressive in the face of any threat to their self-esteem, to be strong even when wrong and to sharpen their skills to be of service to as many females as their mating prowess allows. In short young bulls are loose trying to become men. One day a young bull was standing on top of a hill with an older bull, and the young bull said to the older bull, "Let's run down the hill and get with one of those cows." And the older bull said, "No, lets walk down and do it right." Young bulls need to develop a genuine sense of purpose; However, the freedom of young men to roam comes at a price, not knowing their purpose as compared to their female counterparts who are tied to their maternal guidance. Young men need to be guided down the hill of life to manhood. Because, some of our young men have many unrealistic expectations, even though some of the expectations are possible and reachable, and it is our job to show them the reality of their expectations without dashing their dreams. For example: Young men have expectations of becoming a big rapper, making it to the NFL or the NBA and living a lifestyle of the rich and the famous. But the odds of becoming a big rapper are one in a million. The facts are the NBA only drafts 56 new players out of millions and the NFL drafts 192 each year. The reality is, it is possible for the expectations of young men to come true; However, the likelihood of it happening may be slim. This is where we must show them the odds of them becoming a doctor, lawyer, business owner, etc. is greater, without killing their aspirations and Hoop-Dreams. To help our young men decode and navigate through life it is a must that we upload their GPS. Many of our young men are operating off inadequate information, and when they reach forks in the roads of life, they sometimes make the wrong turn (decision making skills). It is our responsibility to upload their GPS with Love, Hope, and with the reality of their thinking, that they will make good choices and know they have healthy options with confidence. We can no longer afford to leave our young men 'Recalculating' when they reach forks in the road of life and we also have to let them know that they are able to make a U-turn after making a wrong turn. So, let's upload their GPS with the vital and necessary information that they may reach their 'Destiny' safely.
Now available online for purchase at www.amazon.com "The Quarterback Handbook" By Raymond L. Carr Jr. This book is about 'Male Responsibility


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